Red Temática de Educación Ambiental: Una experiencia Colombiana
This network for environmental education started working during the first semester of 2003, in the framework of the Colombian Network of Environmental Training, which promotes cooperation, exchange and communication spaces through training, research, participation and actions for sustainable development and the conservation of the environment in Colombia.
The objective of this network is promoting environmental education through the interdisciplinary work between universities, environmental authorities, ministries, public and private institutions, enterprises and non-governmental organizations in Bogotá, aiming at sustainable development and taking into account the relationships of this city with the region and the global context.
This network is a space for the analysis and reflection around the conceptual framework of environmental education. It promotes the interdisciplinary and complex approaches to the environmental topics and encourages the exchange and mutual support among the participant institutions, thus highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary work. The network has achieved to group representatives from several universities and professionals from different backgrounds (natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, law, arts) who have approached the environmental topics from varied perspectives.
Jardín Botánico “José Celestino Mutis”
Objective: developing research, environmental education and territory planning projects with a communitarian approach.
Universidad Brasilia.
Objective: promotion and development of programs for the scientific, academic, cultural and technical cooperation among the two institutions.
Universidad de España.
Objective: exchange of students and professors for research, teaching and extension projects such as internships, thesis guidance, attendance to classes in both institutions, joint research projects, double major.