Master's Program in Environment and Development -PMAD-
General Information
The Universidad Nacional de Colombia will grant the Master's Degree in Environment and Development to those students who comply with the requirements established by the current regulations.
Duration: 4 semesters (2 years)
Main schedule: Monday-Friday, from 7 to 10 am.
Cost: 240 points.
1 point equals one day of the current minimum monthly wage. For 2017, the value of one point is COP$24.591.
Calls: in the second semester of every year, to start in the following semester.
The number of admitted students is limited.
The Master's Program in Environment and Development has two types of study programs:
- Master’s Program in Research
- Master’s Program with Professional Emphasis
Objectives of the Master's Program in Research
Training researchers and managers with the capacities to formulate solutions to environmental problems in the framework of an interdisciplinary, inclusive and comprehensive vision, with emphasis on the knowledge of the ecosystem, socioeconomic and cultural interactions towards sustainability.
This training aims at providing persons from diverse disciplines and professional backgrounds with solid scientific, technical and humanistic bases, so that they are able to lead and coordinate research processes on the environmental reality of the country.
Graduate Profile – Research
The PMAD Graduate will be able to coordinate and lead environmental research processes involving the formulation, development and evaluation of proposals, projects and programs from an interdisciplinary perspective and comprehensive view of the environment.
This graduate has respect for human beings and nature, solidarity towards present and future generations, and shows honesty and commitment in his/her actions, within a framework of environmental ethics.
The PMAD Graduate will have environmental management capacities for leading development processes, which are expressed in organizational skills, leadership and the effective implementation of environmental plans and projects, at the public and private levels.
Objectives of the Master's Program with Professional Emphasis
- Training competent professionals from different disciplines, who are social and environmentally responsible.
- Providing the students with tools to enhance their knowledge of the ecosystem-culture interrelationships.
- Contributing to the knowledge, protection and conservation of the natural and cultural patrimony of the country, through the training in planning, management and environmental assessment processes at different scales.
- Preparing professionals, managers and environmental policy decision-making stakeholders, in order to generate multiplier effects, which have an impact on the decisions taken for a better management of the environment, in both the public and private domains.
Graduate Profile – Professional Emphasis
The graduates of this emphasis will have the capacity to deal with the environmental issues from an ethic, interdisciplinary, holistic and systemic approach, based on the comprehension of culture, science, varied types of knowledge and technology, in order to propose sustainable solutions from a social and environmental perspective.
These graduates will have the abilities to:
- Design, apply and evaluate environmental policies, plans and programs through the application of qualitative and quantitative methodologies and tools.
- Work in interdisciplinary teams with an analytical, critical and proactive attitude.
- Lead the identification and solution of environmental-related problems, aiming for sustainability.