Master's Program in Environment and Development -PMAD-
SNIES: 19909
Coordinator: María del Rosario Rojas Robles
The Master’s program in Environment and Development (PMAD, for its initials in Spanish) was created through the Academic Council Agreement 001 of 1998. The PMAD is conducted by the Institute of Environmental Studies (Instituto de Estudios Ambientales – IDEA) and is currently managed by the Facultyof Economic Science of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
The environmental studies deal with the analysis of the complex and diverse relationships between ecosystems and culture, in order to improve the quality of life of the population through sustainable land use.
The environmental issue concerns society as a whole, its ways of organization and worldviews. Therefore, the analysis from the perspective of different disciplines is necessary.
The PMAD is a training program with research and professional emphasis that aims at analyzing and discussing the impacts generated by development, and the possible alternatives that allow building more sustainable societies. For this purpose a thorough comprehension of the relationship of several disciplines with the environmental issues is required, as well the theoretical and practical possibilities that arise from the articulation of different types of knowledge.
The National Ministry of Education awarded the PMAD with the High Quality Accreditation for a period of eight years (Resolution 14965 of 2012)